Daniela Montemerlo is SDA Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Family Business and Corporate Governance at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She is Full Professor of Management and Family Business at Insubria University, Professor of Strategic Management in Family Businesses and Research Associate of AIdAF-EY chair at Bocconi University.
At SDA Bocconi, she teaches Corporate Governance in Executive MBA programs as well as in executive education programs; she also teaches family business in executive programs for owning families and boards of directors of medium and large companies as well as for financial institutions. She is Director of the open market course “Governance for success of closely-held companies” (in Italian) as well as of custom family business courses.
Her research activities, both national and international, focus on family business, corporate governance and female leadership. In the family business area, her main interest topics concern family and corporate governance, family and ownership agreements, next gen’s development, intra and inter-generational dynamics, co-leadership models, strategic management, organizational change, managerial processes, women’s leadership. In the corporate governance area her topics are: governance design (ownership agreements, structures, functioning rules); selection, role and special challenges of various types of board members and top managers; special challenges of diversity.